My Mission

To be a clear and direct channel for the Higher Self. To awaken, raise and expand consciousness (LOVE). To help bring awareness to the source and flow of energy and your power to direct that flow for the purpose of creation, integration and massive change. To support you in bringing mind, body and spirit into alignment, so you can create AND LIVE your heaven-on-earth. You are the universe.

My Journey…

is one of alchemy and art. I evolved with, and through, movement unconscious of the crucial, alchemical reaction that dance had on my body until much later in life. My journey, having started like most children’s was filled with imagination, play and creativity in all of my beautiful weirdness, until one day, I realized I had allowed myself to fear and reject authenticity, in exchange for external validation and social acceptance. A gentle wake-up call hurled me into a journey of Self discovery, and I quickly found myself on a spiritual path.

With shadows to sift through and mental fog to clear, I searched for the most effective ways to return to and embody the Truth. The teachers, practices and revelation I discovered—and continue to unearth along the way— are integral to my understanding of Source, energy, creation, healing and the human potential. These are the inspiration for my offerings, today: A Course in Miracles, Ram Das, Deepak Chopra, Joe Dispenza, Abraham Hicks, The Seth Material, Greg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Gala Darling, Tony Robbins, Master Co, and more.