Mastering the Art of Remote Work and Parenting: Essential Strategies for Success
Balancing the demands of remote work alongside caring for toddlers and babies presents unique challenges, requiring careful planning and flexibility.
🌸 HypnoBirthing + Plant Medicine: Healing the Mind & Body 🌸
Though they may seem to be from different realms, they share one powerful common goal: to help us release fear, open to the unknown, and transform on deep levels.
Dare to Be Different: Unconventional Methods for Mental Well-Being
In today's fast-paced world, finding effective ways to improve our mental health is becoming increasingly essential. Beyond the conventional methods, this article will explore unique and innovative strategies that can make a significant difference in your mental well-being.
Preparing for the Fourth Trimester Before Baby Arrives
How to set yourself up for success, after baby arrives.
Benefits of Psilocybin and Sound Healing
Sound has been using to aid in plant medicine ceremony since the use of plant medicine began. Perhaps the overlap in benefits will give you an idea of why! Click to learn more.
Fake it ‘till you make it
Use your throat chakra powerfully. You are a magical being with infinite power!
Sound Bath with Crickets! (why I love crickets…)
Here is a recording of one of my favorite Healing Sounds Garden Meditation sessions, from this summer, WITH A REAL CRICKET CHORUS! (Don’t forget headphones for the best sound quality.)