Benefits of Psilocybin.

You may have seen that I am now offering “Psychedelic Sound Journeys.”

I have spoken about the benefits of sound healing, but what are the benefits of psilocybin?

The way I explain it is: it’s as if someone give you the ability to see from a higher perspective. If you have normal reactions to triggers, based on past trauma or suppressed emotions, this form of plant medicine gives you the ability to recognize the reaction before it happens and allows you the space to choose differently… or not react at all.

Our brains like efficiency and the known. Think of it like walking a path back and forth in grass, eventually the grass will wear down and your brain feels safe walking this path because it knows what is on the other end. Eventually if you walk this path for years and years it creates a rut and you get stuck in it! The brain doesn’t care what’s on the other end. It may be you fighting with your partner and spiraling into mental oblivion and that’s not a rut we want to get stuck in.

Just like meditation, breath-work, and mindful movement practices, psilocybin, gives us the opportunity to turn off auto-pilot and to try a new path and create a new groove that is in alignment with the person you want to be. I am mostly speaking about micro-dosing AND there is also evidence of major breakthroughs for addiction, PTSD, depression, anxiety, OCD and more from just 1 (you are reading that correctly— ONE) large dose of psilocybin in an intentional and guided setting.

Current scientific studies indicate that psilocybin mushrooms have significant positive effects on the following areas:

  • Treatment-resistant depression

  • Anxiety

  • Cluster headaches

  • Autism

  • Addiction and compulsive disorders

  • Terminal illness patients

  • Talk therapy

  • Dreamwork

  • Creativity

  • Neuro-regeneration

So if you haven’t yet tried mushrooms, boomers, or whatever you want to call them. Come to a Psychedelic Sound Journey and experience the expansion of consciousness and peace that Sound Therapy and Psilocybin, together, offer.


Sound Bath with Crickets! (why I love crickets…)


Wim Hof: Breath, Ice Baths and Will Power