I wish every mom knew…
…how much their nutrition and health decisions matter in treating and preventing postpartum anxiety/depression or just settling into a new normal with a postpartum body.
It can take 2 years for your body to return to “pre-pregnancy” shape… and I don’t even like to use that term most of the time, because there is no going back! Once you are postpartum you are always postpartum and it’s about learning a new body and a new mind and PUTTING YOUR MASK ON FIRST! That means eating nutrient-dense meals, making time for movement, prioritizing relationships (yourself included), and finding moments of mindful awareness instead of numbing out on your phone.
You are now the new (and most important) role model for your child. They are in a theta brainwave state from 0-7 years old. What does that mean? Everything they see and hear goes straight into their subconscious mind as programming for their nervous system, which will eventually influence their decisions and run their life. If they see you not prioritizing your health, they think that’s normal. If they see you choosing healthy foods and prioritizing movement and mental health practices THAT is what they begin to understand as normal and is programmed into their subconscious.
You being a martyr and “never having time for yourself because you’re a mom” and just eating the scraps of chicken nuggets and Mac n cheese isn’t doing anyone any good. Your children think that’s a normal way to cope with stress. Now you are so depleted physically and energetically that you aren’t responding from a place of loving awareness for yourself or anyone else and you’re stuck in a loop!
This isn’t about always getting it right and beating yourself up when you have a bad day. It’s about having practices in-place that support YOU in being the best mom you can be, FOR YOUR KIDS! Having those habits before children is ideal. AND it’s never too late to break the cycle and start creating new habits that you are proud to share with your children, self-forgiveness included!
My Empirica Supplements for mom:
See me for an energetic tune-up!
1-hour, private sound healing and Pranic healing energy sessions are $20 off in May! (normally $120/hr)