First and Third Saturdays are integration days curated to support you in processing any "ah-ha" moments, blind spots or patterns, as they arise throughout the moon cycles. As you make space for more awareness, you are empowered to direct that freed, potential energy toward co-creating the beautiful life you were meant to live.
What to Expect:
- 1-hr Sonic Therapy Experience with resonant gongs, 432hz crystal singing bowls, and more!
- breath-work in alignment with the energy of the moon
- gentle somatic movement and touch
- discussion on the location and energetics of the moon, how it is influencing your day-to-day experience and tools to help you flow with its' power!
What to Bring:
- your beautiful body
- an open mind
- comfortable clothes
- any special blankets, pillows, or eye masks you would like (we provide a general assortment of yoga blankets and cushions)
- a friend or two!
Other offerings:
First Friday's are a sound showcase giving you a glimpse into the power of frequency. On these night's we offer multiple 20min Sonic Therapy sessions, giving you a taste of the benefits of a frequency experience.
Third Friday's are an opportunity to linger in the power of Sonic Therapeutics, intended to align your energy with the archetype of the season. --Think elements, seasons, astrology, and any other archetypal inspiration that is channeled!--
Private sessions available from .Allizen and Brian Katz
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