Join the Belly Bliss Doula’s for a meet and greet to answer all of your questions about birth and postpartum doula support!
maybe even meet the doula that is just right for your pregnancy and birth journey!
While it is never too early or too late to find doula support for your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, your chances of having your top choice of doula available for your due date are best if you begin searching in your first or second trimester.” Why hire a doula? Studies show that having a doula as part of your birth team can:
50% decrease in cesarean births
15% increase in spontaneous births
60% decrease in epidural requests
40% decrease in the use of pitocin
30% decrease in the use of forceps
57% decrease in rates of postpartum depression and anxiety
Overall, a 25% decrease in the length of labor!
*Source American Pregnancy Association