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Vibration Calibration: Dance class (all-levels)

The final step in manifestation is the embodiment and that's the hardest part. It's easy to experience a contrasting reality and decide on the things we want. We can visualize a future different from our past. But then, most of us get stuck when it comes time to act on our intuitive nudges and inspirations from higher-intelligence because 1. we are fearful of the unknown or 2. we get caught up in the "how?"

When we start to "act as if", have fun, choose joy and move our bodies like they are already in the desired future experience and calibrate our thoughts to think like our highest-version of Self, we shift our frequency (point of attraction) to match that of our desired outcome and become a magnet for synchronicities, manifestations and miracles!

What's a Point of attraction?-- Like attracts like. Your experience follows your expectations. So whatever emotion you feel, produced by the thoughts you're thinking, right now is a great indicator of the types of experiences you are magnetizing to you AND the intensity of the emotion you are feeling NOW determines the speed in which what you're calling in will be experienced.

That means it's not only in your best interest to choose joy, fun, play, those things that light your the eff up! But to powerfully co-create heaven on earth, your joy is essential!

Movement, dance specifically, shakes up stuck energy, helps us build strength and confidence and offers us a safe environment to try on new energies and movement patterns.

My vision for this class is to combine all of my favorite things into one powerful offering that will have you confidently walking out of the room as the embodiment of your highest self.

When you create your heaven on earth and live from your highest vision for Self and all beings, you raise the vibration of the entire planet!

What to expect:

- Short Journal prompt

- Guided breath-work and visualization meditation(with sound bowls)

- Warm-up and movement to make you sweat and move stuck energy (saltwater heals!)

- Simple movement combinations to get your body vibrating in playful, powerful, and embodied ways!

What to bring:

- Comfortable clothes that make you feel sexy when you sweat!

- water bottle

- Journal and something to write with

- Open mind

- A friend!

This class is limited to 10 participants. This will be a recurring class booked on a first come first serve basis! Keep an eye out for more dates to be announced soon!

April 11

BIRD: Impala Dance Class

April 24

C3 CBD Yoga, Breath-work and Sound Bath