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Virtual Sound Meditation

We know meditation is good for our mental, physical and emotional health, AND taking time for ourselves to do the things that make us feel really good can be a challenge. In a world where working hard, burnout and "grinding" are almost seen as badges of honor toward achieving our goals, meditation is a radical act of self-love.

So I am making it super easy for you: grab your headphones, turn your phone on do-not-disturb, lock yourself in a room where you won't be bothered (while making sure your family is safe of course) and take 1 hour to slow down the body-mind and deeply relax.

Of course there are benefits to experiencing a sound bath in person, and you will still receive many of these benefits. The intention for these weekly virtual meditations is to deliberately carve out time for yourself and turn your attention inward. Who knows, maybe you will pick up a new habit!

What to expect:

- breath awareness/relaxation techniques

- live, virtual sound bath

- gentle somatic/grounding touch

How it works:

- when you register I will send you a private link and password

- please be on time (at least 5 min early to make sure sound is coming through "crystal" clear)

- wear headphone for best sound quality

- this is your time! find a place in your home, a park, your car... where you have great service/wifi AND will not be disturbed. Honor this space for yourself for the duration of the meditation.

March 11

The Power of Presence: Tea Ceremony and Plant Medicine Sound Journey

March 26

Sunday Sessions at Confia Elevated: Soundbath