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Moon Bloom

A mini mountain retreat in Golden, CO. This is the 2nd annual Flower Moon festival. Last year we kicked o events at the Shala in celebration of the full moon, which happened to be a Blood Moon. This moon shifted many womb-peoples bleed's to be in deeper cyclical connection with nature's patterning. Joining in womanhood

is healing, nurturing, fun, and enlivening for all. Can't wait to have you <3 Kutuhala Shala: 590 Hwy 72 Golden, CO 80403

Hosted by: Vinita @vinitabonita, Angela, & Allison @allizenlove


Elements/Weather - Prepare for 35-65 degree weather. We are at 8,500 ft elevation. Stay hydrated friends.
Directions - 590 Hwy 72 Golden, CO 80403 -We are in the Roosevelt National Forest We don’t have cellphone reception at times in the Canyon, so save this doc in the event you get a lil turned around. Hwy 72 leads straight up the Coal Creek Canyon about 11 miles (you’ll have reception up until the pass). Once you pass Last Tavern & Wondervu Cafe, you’ll know you’re close - 2 hairpin turns and the insanely beautiful Continental Divide will greet you on your left. Spot our cabin between part of our fence knocked down from the wind, next to two brown giant garages with a big sloping driveway.
Parking - Nate (aka Mr. Schmiklz) will be helping with parking and unloading, so if you see a random dude coming towards you in the parking lot, he’s part of the fam 😂
15 total spots on this retreat.
Please let us know approximately when you think you’ll be arriving and if you have any important medical needs, dietary restrictions. FYI - I have a hypo-allergenic Siberian Forest cat and a Siberian Husky, they are both adored by everyone who has come to one of these events. This will be the 6th event.
Reach out to Vinita at or DM @vinitabonita with answers, questions, needs, etc.

How to Prep


Decide on something to wear. Check the weather in Coal Creak Canyon, CO. Comfy, cute, dresses, a few layers - anything that makes you happy. Scorpio Moon Color palette:

Pack altar oerings: crystals, tarot, anything trinket-y you'd like to honor that's been speaking to you lately.

Bring a large water bottle - we have a large-gallon water dispenser.

Sleeping over

If you are sleeping over, bring sleeping arrangements for yourself (pillow, blanket, yoga mat for movement snacks and as a cushion). We have plenty of mats too & 3 full beds.


Moon Gathering


Moon Gathering + Dinner


Moon Gathering + Dinner + Sleepover/Sauna


April 20

4/20 Solar Eclipse Sound Bath

May 10

Sound Bath @ Buffalo and Sparrow Yoga Collective (Copy)